PURPOSE: A producing method of instant grain powder for producing rice cake is provided to enable users to easily eat the rice cake by simply pouring water to the grain powder. CONSTITUTION: A producing method of instant grain powder for producing rice cake comprises the following steps: inserting white rice into a mixer, and pouring water into the rice before uniformly mixing for 20 minutes; aging the white rice for 2 hours; pre-heating a snack producing machine at 120 deg C for 20 minutes; inserting grain ingredients into the snack producing machine, and cutting grain mixture lumps extruded from an outlet of the snack producing machine; and crushing the lumps with a crusher. The grain ingredients include the white rice, brown rice, barley, glutinous rice, and black rice.본 발명은 개나리콘 스넥기계를 이용함으로써 곡물에 최소량의 수분만을 첨가하여 즉석 떡가루를 제조하는 방법에 대한 것으로서, 보다 구체적으로, 본 발명의 방법은 건조상태의 곡물에 극소량의 물을 균일하게 혼합한 후 개나리콘 스넥기계에 투입하여 이로부터 압출되는 곡물원료를 곧바로 분쇄하여 떡가루를 제조하는 것으로 구성된다.