A live lactic acid bacteria (LAB) beverage manufacturing process comprises the following steps: adding live LAB into raw milk for fermentation, then shifting the cultured milk after fermentation to a thermostatic chamber set at a low temperature for placement, then filling the cultured milk to a filtration bag and pressing to leach out whey containing live LAB, boiling a portion of the whey and fruits and cooling thereafter, then adding the other part of the refrigerated whey to complete the production of beverage containing live LAB. Preferably, the cultured milk is placed in the fermentation tank of 45 DEG C for eight hours of fermentation, in which the weight ratio of raw milk and live LAB is 1000:1. Also, the cultured milk after fermentation is shifted to and placed in a thermostatic chamber set at 10 DEG C and 85% humidity for 12 hours, the cultured milk is filled into the filtration bag in the thermostatic chamber, then the filtration bag is lifted and pressurized for 24 hours to leach out whey containing live LAB, wherein said pressing process is carried out with pressurization of 5kg/cm<2> for the first 8 hours, pressurization of 15kg/cm<2> for the following 8 hours, and pressurization of 25kg/cm<2> for the final 8 hours. A portion of the leached whey and fruits are mixed to obtain a mixture, the other part of the whey is refrigerated at a low temperature of -2 DEG C, and then the mixture is heated to 100 DEG C and boiled for 40 minutes after boiling the mixture is cooled and added to the low-temperature refrigerated whey, the weight ratio of the cooled mixture and the added whey is 16: 84, thereby to complete the production of beverage that contains live LAB.一種活乳酸菌飲料之製程,其利用將生乳原料中加入活乳酸菌並進行發酵,再將發酵完之培養乳移入低溫設定之恆溫室中置放,接著將培養乳裝入一濾水袋並加壓以瀝出含有活乳酸菌之乳清,再將部份乳清與水果熬煮後冷卻,再加入部份冷藏乳清而製成帶有活乳酸菌之飲料。11...選取生乳原料12...混合乳酸菌13...發酵凝乳14...瀝出乳清15...取部份乳清與水果混合熬煮16...加入另一部份之低溫乳清17...封裝儲藏