The present invention comprises the steps of preparing a Sarcodon aspratus powder, ripening a dough, and cutting the dough. In the step of preparing Sarcodon aspratus powder, frozen Sarcodon aspratus is boiled in water at 100°;C or more for 15-25 minutes; a Sarcodon aspratus puree is prepared by finely grinding the boiled Sarcodon aspratus with a blender; and then Sarcodon aspratus powder is prepared by drying the Sarcodon aspratus puree to produce the Sarcodon aspratus powder. In the step of ripening dough, 1-3 g of refined salt, 2-4 g of prepared Sarcodon aspratus powder, 5-30 ml of Sarcodon aspratus liquid, and then 150-170 g of purified water are added into 0.8-1.2 kg of wheat flour; ingredients stated earlier are mixed and kneaded to produce dough; and then the dough is ripened for 1-6 hours. In the step of cutting the dough, a proper portion of the ripened dough is separated from the dough and is molded by a dough roller into one with desired thickness; the dough is cut by a knife; and a manufacturing process of knife-cut noodles is finished. When a person eats the knife-cut noodles, he or she can enjoy the good flavor and taste of Sarcodon aspratus while he or she benefits from the knife-cut noodles containing Sarcodon aspratus of which ingredients are beneficial to human health.본 발명은 냉동된 능이버섯을 100℃ 이상의 끓는 물에 넣고 15∼25분 정도 삶은 후 삶은 능이버섯을 믹서기에 넣고 곱게 갈아 능이버섯액을 준비하고, 능이버섯을 건조하여 분말상태로 만든 능이버섯분말을 준비하는 과정과, 밀가루 0.8∼1.2㎏에 정제염 1~3g과 준비된 능이버섯분말 2~4g 및 능이버섯액 5~30㎖를 넣은 후 적당량의 정제수 150∼170g을 넣고 혼합 및 반죽하고 1~6시간 정도 숙성시키는 과정과, 숙성이 완료되면 적당량의 반죽을 떼어내어 밀봉으로 원하는 두께로 성형하고 칼로 썰어 칼국수면이 완성되게 함으로써 칼국수 요리를 먹을 때 능이버섯의 좋은 향과 맛을 느끼수 있면서도 능이버섯이 함유하고 있는 유익한 성분으로 인해 건강에 도움이 되도록 한 것이다.