FIELD: chemistry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture. The agrochemical composition contains a long-chain N,N-dialkyl alkylamide of formula , where: (a) each of R1 and R2 is independently a linear alkyl radical having 4 to 20 carbon atoms, and R is an alkyl group having 6 to 30 carbon atoms, the total number of carbon atoms in R, R1 and R2 is greater than 40; and at least one azole active ingredient of formula and in which R1 is phenyl, 4-chlorophenyl, 4-chlorophenylethyl, 4-chlorophenyl, 2,4-dichlorophenyl, or 4-chlorophenyloxy; R2 is n-butyl, tert-butyl, phenyl, 2-fluorophenyl or a group of general formula : R3 is hydroxyl, oxygen or cyano. The composition additionally contains at least one member selected from a group consisting of a surfactant, an organic solvent and a low-temperature stabiliser. An aqueous aerosol composition contains said composition and water. Lon-chain N,N-dialkyl alkylamide is used to inhibit and/or prevent growth of crystals of pesticide-active azole derivatives. The long-chain N,N-dialkyl alkylamide is added to a pesticide composition in an amount which is sufficient to reduce crystallisation of the azole derivative. For mycosis control, said composition is applied in the focus.EFFECT: invention increases efficiency of inhibiting growth of crystals of pesticide-active azole derivatives.20 cl, 15 tbl, 15 exИзобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Агрохимическая композиция содержит N,N-диалкил алкиламид с длинной цепочкой формулы (I)где: каждый из R1 и R2 независимо представляет собой радикал линейного алкила, имеющего от 4 до 20 атомов углерода, и R представляет алкильную группу, имеющую от 6 до 30 атомов углерода, общее количество атомов углерода в R, R1 и R2 больше 40; и по крайней мере один азольный активный ингредиентформулы (II), в которой R1 представляет фенил, 4-хлорфенил, 4-хлорфенилэтил, 4-фторфенил, 2,4-дихлорфенил или 4-хлорфенилокси; R2 представляет собой н-бутил, трет-бутил, фенил, 2-фторфенил или группу общей фо