Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet inzhenernykh tekhnologij" (FGBOU VO "VGUIT").
Dolmatova Olga Ivanovna,Долматова Ольга Ивановна,Lemesheva Valeriya Sergeevna,Лемешева Валерия Сергеевна
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to food industry, in particular to dairy, and can be used in the production of sour cream product. Method involves the restoration of a substitute for dry cream in drinking water, with a temperature of 40±2°C for 3-4 hours, mixing it with cream dairy. Resulting normalized mixture is then purified, persimmon puree and natural sweetener Greenlite are added, pasteurized at a temperature of 90-94°C with an exposure time of 20 seconds and homogenized at a temperature of 55-65°C for 8-12 minutes. After that, the mixture is cooled to the fermentation temperature, leaven is made in the form of starter microorganisms of lactococci, in an amount of 3-5% to the volume of the mixture at a temperature of 25±1°C and quenched until acidity of 60±10°T. It is cooled and packed after cooling to a temperature of 4±2°C and ripen the product for no more than 12 hours. Sour cream product is prepared with the following content of the original components, kg: cream milk - 800-850 substitute for dried cream - 29-50 drinking water - 29-50 leaven - 30-50 puree of persimmon - 100 natural sweetener Greenlite - 0,2.EFFECT: method makes it possible to improve the quality of the finished product, to obtain a sour milk product with a functional fatty acid composition, and to expand the range of dairy products.1 cl, 3 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к молочной, и может быть использовано при производстве сметанного продукта. Способ предусматривает восстановление заменителя сухих сливок в питьевой воде, с температурой 40±2°С в течение 3-4 ч, смешивание его со сливками молочными. Затем полученную нормализованную смесь очищают, вносят пюре хурмы и натуральный подсластитель Greenlite, пастеризуют при температуре 90-94°С с выдержкой 20 сек и гомогенизируют при температуре 55-65°С в течение 8-12 минут. После чего смесь охлаждают до температуры заквашивания, вносят закваску в виде заквасочных микроорганизмов лактоккоков,