Being the merenge way blowhole entering processed food which bulk high bubbles, both of the mouth-melt impression and blowhole stability, it is superior it offers the blowhole entering processed food and its production manner, and uses the blowhole entering processed food the food which can freeze and circulate.Content of the oil and fat 5% or less, viscosity (the 20) being the blowhole entering processed food of 40 - 150Pa s, the blowhole entering processed food which contains reduction starchy saccharification ones where DE value of the albumen, the milk serum, and the raw materials sugar is 40 or less.嵩高く泡立ったメレンゲ様の気泡入り加工食品であって、口溶け感と気泡安定性の双方に優れ、冷凍流通することができる気泡入り加工食品及びその製造方法、並びに気泡入り加工食品を用いた食品を提供する。油脂の含有量が5%以下、粘度(20℃)が40~150Pa・sの気泡入り加工食品であって、卵白、乳清、及び原料糖のDE値が40以下である還元澱粉糖化物を含有する気泡入り加工食品。