A manufacturing method for a pet teeth cleaning bone comprises the implementation steps of: uniformly mixing starch and humectant into a material utilizing a heating forming device to heat the uniformly-mixed material at a temperature ranged between 80 degrees of Celsius and 150 degrees of Celsius and utilizing the heating forming device to pressingly form the heated material to obtain a pet teeth cleaning bone product. Any tastes of pets edible foods such as chlorophyll, beef, chicken, lamb and milk, and any pets edible nutrition additives such as collagen, glucosamine, lecithin and calcium powder, can be further added in the above-mentioned material. Accordingly, with the pet teeth cleaning bone made by the manufacturing method of the invention, an efficacy of pets munch and crunch can be surely achieved, and purposes of eliminating pets tartar and halitosis and promoting pets teeth health can be effectively attained.一種寵物潔牙骨製造方法,其實施步驟係將澱粉、保濕劑之材料攪拌均勻後,再將攪拌均勻之材料經一加熱塑型裝置於溫度80℃-150℃之間加熱,再加熱後之材料經該加熱塑型裝置加壓成型,即完成一寵物潔牙骨之成品,其中材料中更可添加葉綠素、牛肉、雞肉、羊肉、牛奶等任何可供寵物食用之口味,亦可添加有膠原蛋白、葡萄糖胺、卵磷脂、鈣粉等任何可供寵物食用之營養添加物。藉由本發明之製造方法可讓寵物確實達到嚼咬效果,並有效去除寵物齒垢、防止寵物口臭、幫助寵物牙齒健康之目的。