This invention is to provide a method for manufacturing an edible food-taste preparation and its performance method. The edible food-taste preparation is absorbed the food-taste or pestled the food, and mix them with eatable absorbed medium. It will become food-smell object after pestled and coagulated. The method is put the different food-taste object on the opposite food sample or picture in the exhibit, The customer could eat the edible food-taste preparation that they like so as to know the real food-taste when they see the picture or sample of the food.本發明提供一種食物味道口嚐劑之製造方法及其運用方法,係藉由吸收食物餐點氣味或將食物餐點攪碎,並與可食用之吸收介質混合,經過攪拌、凝固後,即製成食物味道口嚐劑成品;運用方法則係在一擺置各種食物餐點模型或圖片之展示場上,將分別儲存不同食物餐點味道口嚐劑之罐體對應各食物餐點模型或圖片之位置而擺設,使客人在觀賞各種食物餐點模型或圖片時,可取用所對應之口嚐劑食用,以口嚐到該餐點之真實味道。