The effect which improves the food impression by the fact that it adds to the starchy processed food is given, the food impression revised medicine for the starchy processed food is offered. By the fact that the physical properties revised medicine which designates the separated soybean protein composition which is dried in state of acid precipitation as the active ingredient is used, it can obtain the starchy processed food where physical properties are improved. Details, reinforce physical strength such as chewiness, and filter improve physical quality such as texture good quality, and improvement of the nechiya being attached improve the food impression, possess the effect which makes these continue.澱粉加工食品に添加することで食感を改良する効果を与える、澱粉加工食品用の食感改良剤を提供する。酸沈殿の状態で乾燥された分離大豆蛋白質組成物を有効成分とする物性改良剤を用いることで、物性の改良された澱粉加工食品を得ることができる。詳しくは、歯ごたえ,コシなど物理強度を増強し、歯切れ良さやネチャつきの改善など物理特性を改善し、食感を改良し、これらを持続させる効果を有する。