1. Molded article of bactericidal action, including molding mass or obtained from it, and comprising at least one type of bactericidal material in the form of particles with an average particle diameter, which is dispersed in at least one synthetic resin, characterized in that the basis of the molded product is a) a substantially cylindrical or cubic main body, the maximum diameter of the base of which is not more than 100 values of the average particle diameter of the bactericidal material, b) essentially a liptic or spherical main body, the maximum diameter of which is not more than 100 values of the average particle diameter of the bactericidal material, or c) a conical main body, the maximum diameter of the base of which is not more than 100 values of the average particle diameter of the bactericidal material. 2. A molded product according to claim 1, characterized in that the main body is essentially a cylindrical or cubic main body, which is twisted to form a spiral, or it is in the form of a ball with a random orientation. A molded product according to claim 1, characterized in that the maximum diameter of the base of a cylindrical or cubic main body or the maximum diameter of an elliptical or spherical main body is from 0.5 to 80, preferably from 1 to 60, particularly preferably from 2 to 30 values the average particle diameter of the bactericidal material. 4. A molded product according to claim 1, characterized in that: a) the length of a cylindrical or cubic molded product is from 1 mm to 100 cm, more preferably from 5 mm to 80 cm, especially1. Формованное изделие бактерицидного действия, включающее формовочную массу или полученное из нее, и включающее по меньшей мере один тип бактерицидного материала в виде частиц со средним диаметром частиц, который диспергирован по меньшей мере в одной синтетической смоле, отличающееся тем, что основа формованного изделия представляет собойа) по существу, цилиндрическое или кубическое основное тело, максимальный диаметр