PURPOSE: A health supplement composition is provided to keep the good health condition, to alleviate the valetudinarianism and to prevent constipation and insomnia symptoms by adding mulberry and black sesame in the supplement composition. CONSTITUTION: A health supplement composition contains mulberry 40-60 wt%, plum 10-20 wt%, black bean 5-10 wt%, black sesame 10-20 wt% and honey 10-20 wt%. Mulberry and plum are pulverized to make a liquid mixture compound(S11). Black bean is roasted and pulverized, and black sesame, which has been steamed in a steamer and dried repeatedly, is roasted and pulverized(S21). The liquid mixture compound of mulberry and plum is heated(S12). Black bean powder and black sesame powder are added to honey and kneaded(S22). Black bean powder and black sesame powder, which are mixed with honey, are mixed with the liquid mixture compound of mulberry and plum(S31). The mixture of black bean, black sesame, honey, mulberry and plum is heated to become an ointment state(S41). Mulberry and plum are pulverized in order to have a size less than 0.2mm. Black bean and black sesame have a size less than 0.2mm. Mulberry and plum are liquid. [Reference numerals] (S11) Step of making a liquid mixture of plum and mulberry; (S12) Heating the liquid mixture of plum and mulberry; (S21) Step of pulverizing after roasting black bean and black sesame; (S22) Step of kneading the roasted black bean and black sesame with honey; (S31) Step of adding the black bean and black sesame kneaded with the honey in the liquid mixture of plum and mulberry; (S41) Step of solidifying the liquid mixture of plum and mulberry with the black bean and black sesame 본 발명은, 오디 및 검은 참깨 등 역사적으로 그 효능이 인정된 전통 약선 농산 식품을 가지고, 건강 증진에 도움을 줄 수 있는 조성물을 만들어 정신적·육체적으로 건강을 유지하며 신체의 허약 증세를 개선하고, 장의 건조증으로 인한 변비증세와 심신불안으로 인한 불면증을 예방하거나 해소할 수 있는 오디와 검은 참깨를 포함한 건강 보조 식품 조성물 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명인 오디와 검은 참깨를 포함하는 건강 보조식품 조성물에 의하면, 포함되어 있는 각각의 재료들이 제 기능을 발휘할 수 있도록 고상태를 만들고, 장기간에 걸쳐 섭취한다면 건강 증진에 효과적이고,