A management system of mushroom intelligent cultivation with Internet of things is provided. The management system can manage multiple mushroom cultivation farms at the same time to cultivate mushrooms. The management system comprises a cloud service subsystem and multiple operations control centers. The operations control center set in the mushroom cultivation farm, with the camera and multiple sensors were generated growth image data and growth factor data. And then through a data mining module of the cloud service subsystem can analyze to produce growth conditions information. Finally, the combination of growth conditions information and environmental planning information can generate a growth scheduling information to provide mushroom cultivation farm for mushroom automatic and intelligent cultivation.一種以物聯網進行菇類智能栽培的管理系統,可同時管理多個菇類栽培場來栽培菇類,管理系統包含雲端服務子系統及多個在場監控子系統,在場監控子系統設於菇類栽培場內,以監視器及生長因子感測器分別產生生長影像狀態資訊與生長因子狀態資訊,再藉由雲端服務子系統中的探勘分析模組進行資料探勘以產生生長條件資訊,最後,結合生長條件資訊與環境規劃資訊可成為生長因子排程資訊,以提供菇類栽培場對菇類進行自動且智能化的栽培。20‧‧‧在場監控子系統22‧‧‧雲端服務子系統50‧‧‧生長狀態資料庫5002‧‧‧生長影像狀態資訊5004‧‧‧生長因子狀態資訊52‧‧‧追蹤分析模組5202‧‧‧生長因子時間序列分析5204‧‧‧影像變異度分析5206‧‧‧生長因子差異分析54‧‧‧探勘分析模組5402‧‧‧關聯法則分析5404‧‧‧分類分析5406‧‧‧分群分析56‧‧‧栽培知識庫5602‧‧‧環境規劃資訊5604‧‧‧生長條件資訊60‧‧‧生長因子排程資訊