Problem: To provide a method for fungal bed cultivation of a mushroom of a large size having an excellent shape and crunchy texture, a mushroom cutting useful for the fungal bed cultivation method, a culture medium for fungal bed cultivation into which the cutting is transplanted, and a culture medium suitable for fungal bed cultivation. Solution: A method for cultivating a mushroom in a fungal bed comprising a step of transplanting an isolated cutting of the mushroom into a culture medium for fungal bed cultivation, an isolated cutting of a mushroom to be used in the method, and a culture medium for fungal bed cultivation of a mushroom into which the cutting is transplanted.本發明係提供一種具有外形大且優異之形態、及有咬勁之食感的菇類之菌床栽培方法,可用於該栽培方法中之菇類之插芽,移植有該插芽之菌床栽培用培養基,及適用於菌床栽培之菌床栽培用培養基。一種包括將所分離出之菇類的插芽移植至菌床栽培用培養基上之步驟的菇類之菌床栽培方法,用於該方法中之經分離之菇類的插芽,移植有該插芽之菇類菌床栽培用培養基。