Method for preparing a Food Seasoning, which comprises the following steps: Solid State fermentation, hydrolysis and Thermal Reaction,Carried out in the same reactor; to prepare the Seasoning Apparatus comprises: a reactor with feed Inlet and a Steam Inlet, a grinding Unit, a Stirrer,A Sealing device, an exhaust gas, an output device, a temperature control and Measurement of temperature and / OR MOISTURE.
A method for preparing a food seasoning product comprising a solid state fermentation step, an hydrolysis step and a thermal reaction step, wherein the solid state fermentation step, hydrolysis step and thermal reaction step are carried out in the same reaction vessel.<;p>;MÉ;TODO PARA PREPARAR UN PRODUCTO DE CONDIMENTO ALIMENTICIO, QUE COMPRENDE UNA ETAPA DE FERMENTACIÓ;N DE ESTADO SÓ;LIDO, UNA ETAPA DE HIDRÓ;LISIS Y UNA ETAPA DE REACCIÓ;N TÉ;RMICA, DONDE LA ETAPA DE FERMENTACIÓ;N, LA ETAPA DE HIDRÓ;LISIS Y LA ETAPA DE REACCIÓ;N TÉ;RMICA SE REALIZAN EN EL MISMO REACTOR.<;/p>;