FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to diving medicine, and can be used for carrying out a renal test with a calcium load in divers. An oral load of 7.5 % calcium lactate solution, depending on the test task, is carried out at one of the lowering stages: before compression, or during compression - pressure increase in pressure chamber, or during decompression - pressure reduction in pressure chamber, in dose of 1 ml of solution per 1 kg of body weight. That is followed by recording the amount of the recovered urine, and the collected urine is used to determine the amount of sodium, potassium, chlorine and calcium released by the kidneys. That is followed by determining a calcium uretic renal function index of the kidneys, CRFI, by formula: CRFI = -5.36 + 0.15 × H1−0.31 × K + 0.19 × D + 0.5 × C + 0.19 × H2 + 0.14 × X, where: H1 is the amount of sodium secreted by kidneys at 40 minutes after the calcium lactate load, mmol/h; K - amount of released potassium at 60 minutes after loading with calcium lactate, ml/min; D - amount of released urine at 90 minutes after calcium lactate load, ml/min; C is the amount of calcium secreted by kidneys at 90 minutes after calcium lactate load, mmol/h; H2 is the amount of sodium secreted by kidneys at 120 minutes after the calcium lactate load, mmol/h; X is the amount of chlorine released 120 minutes after calcium lactate load, mmol/h. If its value is less than 0, a calcium uretic renal function is considered unsatisfactory, if the value is from 0 to 1.3 - satisfactory, and more than 1.3 - a calcium uretic renal function is considered to be good for a specific stage of lowering.EFFECT: method provides assessing kidneys of divers in conditions of high pressure of gas medium due to renal test with calcium load in divers at different stages of diving.1 cl, 3 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к водолазной медицине, и может быть использовано для проведения почечной пробы с кальциевой нагрузкой у водо