A method for preparing functional coffee according to the present invention provides a technology that is capable of arbitrarily designing the taste and flavor of coffee by strongly combining a functional solution with moisture and lipoid components generated during roasting of coffee beans, after preparing the functional solution by finely grinding edible functional materials that are capable of improving the taste and flavor of coffee into nanoparticles for expanding the surface area and molecular bonding the nanoparticles to water molecules of purified water. In a method for preparing functional coffee which arbitrarily controls the taste and flavor of coffee, the method according to the present invention comprises: a step (1) of preparing a functional solution containing 100% of the functional materials through molecular bonding nanoparticles of the functional materials and water molecules of purified water, by coarsely grinding at least one or more edible functional materials which enhance the taste or flavor, and mixing the functional materials with purified water while finely grinding the functional materials using a nano-grinding unit; and a step (2) of mixing a coffee material selected from roasted coffee beans, raw beans before roasting, and granule coffee with the functional solution to prepare a mixture, and heating the mixture to coat the coffee material with the nanoparticles by combining water and oil components evaporated from the surface of the coffee material with nanoparticles of the functional solution.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 물체를 나노 스케일로 쪼개면 표면적증대, 음용용이, 침전감소, 흡수율향상, 용해도증가, 냄새소멸, 비가열성 살균효과 뿐만아니라 성질도 달라진다는 자연의 법칙(NANO EFFECT)과 모든 식물(食物)은 수분을 함유하고 있다는 자연현상을 이용하여 커피의 맛과 향취를 증진시키는 식용 소재의 입자를 나노급 입자로 쪼개어 표면적을 확장시킨 후 정제수의 물분자간에 분자결합(Molecular Binding)으로 기능성 소재의 100%를 함유한 기능성 용액으로 변환 시키고 이를 커피원두 배전시 발생하는 수분과 유지방과 결합시키는 방법으로 커피 원두에 맛이나 향취를 임의 설계할수 있는 효과적인 기술을 제공하는 것이 목적이다.위의 방법으로 맛과 향취가 개선된 커피원두를 나노입자로 미분쇄하여 인스탄트 커피를 제조할수 있게 되어 맛과 향취가 개선된 인스탄트 커피가 되는