The present invention provides a purpose of preparing fish farming pond using water-rinsing slag, wherein the waste slag is water-rinsed to deposit the water-rinsed slag containing below fine-grade. Since the fish farming pond is built from the recycled waste slag, the pond has very low building and maintenance costs, furthermore the embankment does not grow grass when the pond is for cultivation, thus there is no need to spray pesticides for weeding, and the embankment is dried and solidified like concrete after covering with water-rinsed slag containing below fine-grade, and mud does not flow into the fish farming pond when raining, preventing problems of neither water quality of the pond from being muddied and the gills of the fishes and shrimps from being blocked by the mud to cause hypoxia, nor preventing the embankment from collapsing due to heavy rain or typhoon. Accordingly, the fishes and shrimps can be avoided from losing, thus reducing costs consumed by cultivation of the cultivation farmers.本發明係堤供一種水洗式爐渣用於製作漁塭的用途,其係利用廢棄的爐渣,經由水洗後沉澱出含細料級以下之水洗式爐渣,由於該漁塭係由廢棄的爐渣回收再利用,因此興建和維修成本十分低廉,且該漁塭用於養殖時土堤不長草,所以不需另外噴灑農藥來除草,且土堤被含細料級以下之水洗式爐渣覆蓋後會如混凝土般乾燥固化,下雨時不會有泥土流到漁塭內,造成漁塭的水質混濁,且魚蝦的腮被泥沙阻塞而缺氧的問題,也不會因豪雨、颱風而潰堤,故能防止魚蝦流失,因此能降低養殖業者於養殖時所耗費的成本。