PURPOSE: Rice cake for tteokbokki(rice cakes in hot sauce) which has long-term preservation at room temperature, and enable to maintain the initial texture of chewy and soft after long preservation period is provided. CONSTITUTION: Rice is soaked in water, and swelled. After pulverizing the soaked and swelled rice in the water preliminarily, citric acid and salt is added, and second pulverization is conducted. After putting the obtained rice flour into a steaming container for steaming, and the rice flour is extruded by a bar rice cake manufacturing machine. After extrusion, the rice cake is secondly shaped into extruded products in a rice cake machine before cooling in cooling water which contains citric acid, malic acid, and water. The cooled rice cake is cut into a standard size. The rice cake is secondly cooled in the cooling water(PH. 2.8-3.2). The rice cake which was cooled for the second time, is dried as follows: drying the cooled rice cake for 5 hours in 85% humidity and at 10 deg. C preliminary; and drying the preliminary dried rice cake for 5 hours in 85% humidity at 25 deg. C to maintain the pH of the rice cake to 3.8-4.0, and the moisture content to 37-40%. After sterilizing the dry rice cake by dipping in the alcohol solution(70% ethanol), the rice cake is packed. [Reference numerals] (AA) Rice input; (BB) Washing and soaking; (CC) Water draining; (DD) First pulverization; (EE) Second pulverization(mixing citric acid and salt; (FF) Steaming; (GG) First molding; (HH) Second molding; (II) First cooling(acidic water); (JJ) Cutting; (KK) Second cooling(acidic water); (LL) First drying(humidity 85% , 5 hours at 10°;C); (MM) Second drying(humidity 85% , 5 hours at 10°;C) PH and water content adjusting; (NN) Soaking in alcohol solution(70% ethanol); (OO) Packing(receiving deoxidizing material)본 발명은 상온에서 장기 보존이 가능한 떡볶이 떡의 가공방법에 관한 것이며 떡볶이 떡에 미생물 증식을 억제시켜서 6개월 이상 장기 보존하고 조리시에는 떡볶이 떡의 제조 초기상태와 같이 쫀득하고 말랑한 식감을 유지할 수 있도록 함에 목적이 있다.본 발명은 통상적인 제조공정을 수행하면서 떡볶