Method Streltcova scanning neural structure and activity synaptic neurons in the brain, characterized in that the brain previously vivo is subjected to ultra-fast freezing inside the vessels and capillaries to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, and then carry out layer-3D nanoskanirovanie, the freezing process is carried out in several stages: first, the body is saturated with cryoprotectants, anabolics and vasodilators, and then under a general anesthetic in a liquid medium is separated from the head body is performed Con ix to the blood supply system of the brain and perform pumping through the brain of oxygen-containing synthetic blood substitutes (e.g., perftoran et al.), which is displaced from the brain more dense (viscous) blood containing red blood cells, then through the brain and intracerebral cavity by pumping dry gas: inert (e.g. , helium and others.) doped with oxygen, which is forced out of the vessels and brain capillaries of a viscous liquid synthetic blood substitutes, and also carry out the displacement gas intracerebral fluid simultaneously Jun pnuyu box is opened, allowing access to the outer surface of the brain, intracranial decanted, then after the displacement of synthetic liquid blood products and cerebrospinal fluid from the brain cavities temperature pumped gas as quickly as possible ( "explosively") is lowered to the boiling point of liquid nitrogen or helium, and simultaneously increase the feed pressure freeze gases simultaneously exposed outer surface of the brain was frozen in liquid nitrogen or helium, after frozen to liquid nitrogen temperatures for convenience skaСпособ Стрельцова сканирования нейронной структуры и активности синапсов нейронов головного мозга, отличающийся тем, что мозг предварительно прижизненно подвергают сверхбыстрой заморозке изнутри по сосудам и капиллярам до температур жидкого азота, а затем осуществляют послойное 3D наносканирование, причем процедуру заморозки осуществляют в несколько этапов: вначале органи