The new product is called ''Hericium rice product'' and it is a functional food. The Hericium fermented products use adlay, rice, wheat, oat or soybean as a medium. The crude polysaccharide content in Hericium fermented products can be increased either by solid or liquid fermentation. The Hericium cookie is added 1 to 10% dried Hericium fermented powders or 0.1 to 5% extract from Hericium in the rice milk or rice flour to make Hericium rice milk or Hericium rice cookie. The formula in Hericium cookie is rice flour and seasoning etc, and they are mixed, shaped or heated to produce Hericium rice cookie.本發明為猴頭菇米食產品屬於保健食品領域,採用薏仁、米、小麥、燕麥、大豆等不同的穀類作為基質進行猴頭菌固態發酵或液態發酵培養後,可獲得含有高多醣含量的猴頭菌發酵產物;將該猴頭菌發酵產物乾燥磨成粉狀。或將1~10%猴頭菌發酵產物或0.1~5%猴頭菇萃取物加入米漿或米餅的配方中,其中包括米漿和米粉、調味料混合均勻後,成型、高溫烘烤或加熱膨發即可製成猴頭菇米漿或猴頭菇米餅(米菓)。