The present invention relates to a black garlic pomace fermented vinegar, which is prepared by adding a predetermined amount of sugar and acid to a black garlic pomace produced after extraction of black garlic juice, and inoculating an acetobacter aceti thereto for fermentation. More particularly, the black garlic pomace fermented vinegar is prepared by adding a culture medium of an acetobacter aceti (KCCM 12654) to a black garlic pomace and a prepared fermentation medium for acetic acid fermentation, such that various useful components of black garlic, which are not collected when the black garlic juice is produced, are eluted during vinegar fermentation, and added sugar is acetic-acid-fermented to have excellent functionality and to enhance antioxidant activity. According to the black garlic pomace fermented vinegar of the present invention, various useful components, which are not collected when the black garlic juice is produced, are eluted during vinegar fermentation, and the black garlic pomace wasted without a separate use can be effectively reused since rich nutrients and excellent functionality are provided. The black garlic pomace fermented vinegar of the present invention exhibits strong antioxidant activity by containing polyphenol and flavonoid components which are several tens of times higher than a conventional commercial brewing vinegar, and is a very useful invention in a food industry since health benefits such as aging inhibition, carcinogenesis inhibition, stress alleviation, etc., are expected.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018본 발명은 흑마늘 착즙 후 발생하는 흑마늘박에 일정량의 당과 산을 가한 후[가당(加糖) 및 가산(加酸)], 이에 초산균을 접종하여 발효시켜 만드는 흑마늘박 발효 식초에 관한 것이다. 보다 보다 상세하게는 흑마늘박과 조제된 발효배지에 초산균(Acetobacter aceti KCCM 12654) 배양액을 첨가하여 초산 발효시켜 제조되는 흑마늘박 발효 식초로서, 흑마늘 착즙액 제조시 회수되지 못한 다양한 흑마늘의 유용성분이 식초 발효 중 용출되고, 첨가한 당이 초산 발효되어 우수한 관능성과 항산화력이 강화된 흑마늘박 발효 식초의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 흑마늘박 발효 식초는 흑마늘 진액 제조시 회수하지 못한 다양한 유용 성분이 발효 중에 용출되며, 풍부한 영양소와 우수한 관능성을 가져 별도의 용도 없이 폐기되는 흑마늘박을 효율적으로 재이용할 수 있다. 본 발명의 흑마늘박