the solution is that a aqueous phase (a) by the swelling mixture of sucrose esters with acids, coconut oil and sorbitan stearate in water at 20 - 25 degrees celsius in the quantities of 37,1 - 76.7% by mass. at the same time to xanthan gum added glycerin, and then the hydroalcoholic extract of freeze dried kwiatostan\u00f3w elderberries.all phase components and placed in one vessel, heated and mixed with a speed of 350 to 500 rpm at 60 - 65\u00b0c until obtaining a homogeneous mixture. at the same time, preparing phase c containing preservative ingredients, after which connects it with the whole time while maintaining the temperature and mixture at 60 - 65\ turn, preparing ingredients fat phase b by odwa\u017cenie extract of freeze dried kwiatostan\u00f3w elderberries obtained in conditions nadkrytycznych using co2, linseed oil, oil of seed of berries, a mixture of glyceryl stearate.alcohol and esters of polyglycerol cetarylowego - 6 with palmitic acids and amber and vitamins with przeciwutleniaj\u0105cym, after which all components phase fat c heated in a water bath temperature 60 - 65\u00b0c. all stages are combined to stir at 550 - 650 rpm for at least 30 minutes and keeping a constant temperature of 60 - 65\u00b0c.after the combined phases emulsion preparation liquid temperature to 38, 108 and rising, stirring continuously. after cooling of the following phase d containing fragrances. after the merger, all components all are homogenised at 9000 and 11000 rpm at room temperature for 2 - 5 minutes.Rozwiązanie polega na tym, że sporządza się fazę wodną (A) poprzez spęcznienie mieszaniny estrów sacharozy z kwasami oleju kokosowego oraz stearynianu sorbitanu w wodzie o temperaturze 20 - 25°C w ilości 37,1 - 76,7% masowych. Równocześnie do gumy ksantanowej dodaje się glicerynę, a następnie wodno-alkoholowy ekstrakt z liofilizowanych kwiatostanów bzu czarnego. Wszystkie składniki fazy A umieszcza się w jednym naczyniu, podgrzewa i miesza z prędkością 350 - 500