This drink is obtained by quinoa di saponified. Amylases are Enzymes used bacterial, fungal pectinases and proteases of fungal (Acceptable). The procedure to obtain the Beverage consists of: (a) grinding and Sieving (b) Cooking - hydrolysis, with the purpose of susceptibilizar Starch and Protein to Enzymatic Attack, preparing a suspension of Flour to 12.5% (Weight by total Solids), adding Alpha Amylase and is thermally 100C for 40 minutes.Then conditions The temperature of optimal activity of alpha Amylase and hirolisis continues for an hour (c) conditioning, regulates the temperature of 120 degrees (d) complementation hydrolytic - proteolysis e) centrifugation is performed for 30 minutes at 4000 rpm leachateThe insoluble fraction was added in proorcion Waste - Water (1: 3) and lelva agitation for 30 minutes (g) concentration, was conducted at the laboratory level in a Rotary Evaporator under Vacuum, the temperature, reaching a level of 12.5 H) Brix Heat Treatment The Drink It is obtained to 85 c Degrees for 5 minutes to ensure its stability PackagingDICHA BEBIDA ES OBTENIDA POR QUINUA DESAPONIFICADA. LAS ENZIMAS UTILIZADAS SON AMILASAS BACTERIANAS, PECTINASAS FUNGALES Y PROTEASAS (EXOPEPTIDASAS) FUNGALES. EL PORCEDIMIENTO PARA OBTENER DICHA BEBIDA CONSISTE EN: a) MOLIENDA Y TAMIZADO b) COCCION-HIDROLISIS, CON LA FINALIDAD DE SUSCEPTIBILIZAR EL ALMIDON Y LA PROTEINA AL ATAQUE ENZIMATICO, SE PREPARA UNA SUSPENSION DE HARINA AL 12.5% (PESO POR SOLIDOS TOTALES), SE ADICIONA LA ALFA-AMILASA Y SE TRATA TERMICAMENTE A 100ºC POR 40 MINUTOS. LUEGO SE ACONDICIONA LA TEMPERATURA DE ACTIVIDAD OPTIMA DE LA ALFA-AMILASA Y SE CONTINUA LA HIROLISIS DURANTE UNA HORA c) ACONDICIONAMIENTO, SE REGULA A LA TEMPERATURA DE 50ºC d) COMPLEMENTACION HIDROLITICA-PROTEOLISIS e) CENTRIFUGACION, SE REALIZA POR 30 MINUTOS A 4000 rpm f) LIXIVIADO, A LA FRACCION INSOLUBLE SE LE AGREGA EN PROORCION RESIDUO-AGUA (1:3) Y SE LELVA A AGITACION POR 30 MINUTOS g) CONCENTRACION, SE LLEVA A CABO A NIVEL DE