1. The composition of the nonaqueous liquid dispersion concentrate comprising: (a) a continuous substantially water-immiscible, non-aqueous liquid phase (b) a dispersed solid phase comprising polymer particles prepared from polymerizable or curable thermosetting or thermoplastic resin, wherein the outer surface of particles include colloidal solid material, and wherein the particles have at least one cyclopropene complex is distributed in them.2. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the colloidal solid material is present in an amount effective to stabilize the polymer particles in the emulsion state during the process, which is used to prepare the disperse fazy.3. A composition according to claim 1, wherein cyclopropene complex comprises a complex of an alkyl-cyclopropene and molecular encapsulating sredstva.4. A composition according to claim 3, wherein a complex of an alkyl-cyclopropene and a molecular encapsulating agent is a complex of α-cyclodextrin and 1-MSR.5. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the dispersed phase comprises at least one movable non-crosslinkable chemical substance, so that such chemical extraction of the dispersed phase makes it porous thereby allowing a controlled diffuse cyclopropenyl skorostyu.6. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the continuous phase (a) comprises a liquid immiscible with water, selected from vegetable oils, silicone oils, methylated vegetable oils, refined paraffinic hydrocarbons, mineral oils and their smesey.7. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the continuous phase (a) further comprises at least one agrochemically active ingredient.8. The composition of1. Композиция неводного жидкого дисперсионного концентрата, включающая:(a) непрерывную практически несмешиваемую с водой, неводную жидкую фазу(b) дисперсную твердую фазу, включающую полимерные частицы, подготовленные из отверждаемой или полимеризуемой термореактивной или термопластичной смолы, где внешние поверхности частиц включают ко