PURPOSE: A retort glutinous rice mixed with honey manufacturing method is provided to make a shape of rice particles firm and elastic and to make retort glutinous rice mixed with honey soft and sticky by removing bubbles in the rice through an extra-high pressure processing to elaborate a starch particle structure in the glutinous rice. CONSTITUTION: A retort glutinous rice mixed with honey manufacturing method comprises: a step of processing glutinous rice with extra-high pressure; a step of adding sauce; a step of primary film sealing to seal the content with a film; a step of cooking the content; a step of adding an oxygen absorber to reduce remaining oxygen in the container; and a step of secondary film sealing to seal the resultant with a film. The extra-high pressure is between 2000 atm to 4000 atm. Garnish is added before the step of primary film sealing. The step of cooking is performed at a temperature of 105 to 125°;C for 25 to 35 minutes. The reducing of the oxygen inside the container by adding the oxygen absorber includes substituting nitrogen. [Reference numerals] (S1) Treating glutinous rice with extra-high voltage and centrifugation; (S2) Making and feeding a sauce; (S3) Sealing with a first film; (S4) Rice cooking at 120 for 30 minutes; (S5) Injecting an oxygen absorber; (S6) Substituting with nitrogen; (S7) Sealing with a second film; (S8) Cooling; (S9) Inspecting레토르트 약밥의 제조방법이 제공된다. 본 발명에 의한 레토르트 약밥 제조방법은 찹쌀을 초고압 처리하는 단계, 소스를 투입하는 단계, 필름으로 밀봉하는 1차 필름 실링 단계, 취반하는 단계, 및 산소흡수제를 투입하여 용기내 잔존 산소를 줄이고, 이를 필름으로 밀봉하는 2차 필름 실링 단계를 포함한다. 이와 같은 제조방법으로 인하여, 찹쌀은 초고압 처리로 인해 쌀 안의 기포를 빼내 쌀 내부의 전분입자구조가 치밀해져 밥알 모양이 탱글탱글하게 되고, 더욱 부드러우며 차지게 된다.