[前沿资讯 ] 学者提出萜类化合物合成新策略 进入全文
华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院教授娄文勇团队在研究中首次发现了异戊烯醇抑制酿酒酵母呼吸作用的现象,并针对该现象会导致人工合成萜类化合物途径效率低的问题,提出萜类化合物合成新策略,显著提升酿酒酵母适配性。相关成果近日在线发表于《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications)。 利用AtIPK和SmDAGK两个关键酶,该研究构建了依赖于IU途径的菌株策略,使得IU途径与细胞生长耦合,“迫使”细胞提高ATP合成,进而提升IU途径效率。对AtIPK和SmDAGK两个酶共46个位点随机饱和突变后,团队成功筛选出效率提高153%的有效突变体SmDAGK-S47A、L124A,以及AtIPK-S270P、A272R。 “我们提出的适配策略具有通用性,为高价值萜类化合物的合成提供了切实可行的技术支持。”论文共同通讯作者、华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院副教授曹宇飞表示。借助该策略,研究团队合成了三种常见萜类化合物——柠檬烯、角鲨烯和β-胡萝卜素。与对照组相比,其合成效率分别提高了695倍、850倍和18倍,充分表现出该类菌株在萜类化合物合成方面的巨大应用潜力。
[前沿资讯 ] 天津工业生物所在谷氨酸棒杆菌全基因组规模筛选工业生产相关功能元件方面取得新突破 进入全文
[前沿资讯 ] 中科院天津工业生物所等通过开发从头合成途径提高NMN产量 进入全文
中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所毕昌昊研究员带领的合成生物技术研究团队和张学礼研究员带领的微生物代谢工程团队合作,通过系统工程化改造大肠杆菌,成功开发了大肠杆菌中NMN的从头合成途径,有效提高了NMN的体内代谢产量。首先,研究人员通过基因编辑技术敲除了pncC和nadR基因,实现较原始菌株超过100倍的NMN产量提升;随后,研究人员对NMN 从头合成途径进行了优化,并将其与 NadV 介导的 NMN 生物合成途径整合,并引入两种转运蛋白增强了NAM的吸收和NMN的外排,将 NMN 产量提升至约1300 μM;最后,通过优化改造PRPP合成酶,进一步提升NMN产量,在摇瓶水平发酵24小时后超过 3000μM。该工作为NAD+补救途径及其在大肠杆菌能量代谢中的作用提供了新的见解,同时也有助于进一步推动合成生物学在生物制药和健康产业应用中的发展。
[前沿资讯 ] 中科院天津工业生物所开发定量异源途径设计方法,助力微生物产品合成途径的高效设计 进入全文
中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所生物设计中心开发了一个定量异源途径设计方法QHEPath。利用该方法,研究团队系统地评估了五种常用工业微生物在四种底物下合成300种生化产品的12,000个生物合成场景。结果表明,超过70%产品途径的理论得率有潜力通过引入合适的异源反应得到提升。同时,团队还总结了13种通用的途径优化策略,这些策略主要分为碳节约和能量节约两大类,其中五种策略对100多种产品的得率提升均有效。为了使生物学家能够更便捷地应用这一方法,团队还搭建了一个在线异源途径设计平台QHEPath (https://qhepath.biodesign.ac.cn/)。该平台能够定量计算并可视化35种微生物宿主中产品的高得率合成途径,并且成功预测了文献中多种产品的途径优化策略。
[前沿资讯 ] Ginkgo Bioworks and Novus team up on enzyme development 进入全文
Feed Navigator
By focusing on more efficient, cost-effective enzymeproduction, the partnership seeks to bolster the well-being of chickens, pigs, and cows. With the agricultural sector facing increased volatility due to rising feed costs and narrowingmargins, the companies say this collaborative effort comes at an opportune time. Innovationsin feed enzyme technology are expected to support producers by lowering costs whilemaintaining or even improving the nutritional quality of animal products, they add. The initial focus of the collaboration is on developing next-generation enzymes, withimproved efficacy. Protease enzymes, for instance, can increase the availability of aminoacids in poultry and swine feed, while also mitigating the negative effects of anti-nutritionalfactors like trypsin inhibitors, which means reduced excess indigestible protein in the cecumthat can lead to enteric challenges. “This ultimately supports gut health and overallperformance,” says Gaurav Shah, associate director of external innovation and businessdevelopment at Novus.
[学术文献 ] Versatile filamentous fungal host highly-producing heterologous natural products developed by genome editing-mediated engineering of multiple metabolic pathways 进入全文
Natural secondary metabolites are medically, agriculturally, and industrially beneficial to humans. For mass production, a heterologous production system is required, and various metabolic engineering trials have been reported in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to increase their production levels. Recently, filamentous fungi, especially Aspergillus oryzae, have been expected to be excellent hosts for the heterologous production of natural products; however, large-scale metabolic engineering has hardly been reported. Here, we elucidated candidate metabolic pathways to be modified for increased model terpene production by RNA-seq and metabolome analyses in A. oryzae and selected pathways such as ethanol fermentation, cytosolic acetyl-CoA production from citrate, and the mevalonate pathway. We performed metabolic modifications targeting these pathways using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and demonstrated their effectiveness in heterologous terpene production. Finally, a strain containing 13 metabolic modifications was generated, which showed enhanced heterologous production of pleuromutilin (8.5-fold), aphidicolin (65.6-fold), and ophiobolin C (28.5-fold) compared to the unmodified A. oryzae strain. Therefore, the strain generated by engineering multiple metabolic pathways can be employed as a versatile highly-producing host for a wide variety of terpenes.