FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to ultrasonic diagnostics, and can be used for determining degree of age atrophy of muscular tissue of lower one-third of face. Ultrasonic examination of the facial muscles is performed. Sonoelastography is used as sonication. Examination is performed in two positions sitting or standing and lying. Stiffness values of buccinator muscle belly and buccinator muscle edge are determined. Percentage difference of stiffness values in two positions is calculated. Based on the obtained data, a degree of muscle atrophy of the lower third of the face due to age-related changes is determined. If percentage difference of stiffness values for muscle belly is ≥17.4 % and for muscle edge ≥16.7 %, determine a low degree of atrophy indicating a physiological norm. If percentage difference of stiffness values for muscle belly is 7 % to 17.3 %, and for muscle edge is from 5.2 % to 16.6 %, a moderate degree of atrophy is stated. If percentage difference of stiffness values for muscle belly is ≤7 % and for muscle edge ≤5.2 %, determine a low degree of atrophy, indicating considerable deviations from the physiological norm.EFFECT: method provides determining the degree of age atrophy of muscular tissue of the lower one-third of the face by determining the value of the difference in the stiffness of the buccinator muscle in the standing and lying patient.1 cl, 5 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ультразвуковой диагностике, и может быть использовано для определения степени возрастной атрофии мышечной ткани нижней трети лица. Проводят ультразвуковое исследование состояния мышцы лица. При этом в качестве ультразвукового исследования используют соноэластографию. Исследование проводят в двух положениях сидя или стоя и лежа. Определяют показатели жесткости брюшка щечной мышцы и края щечной мышцы. Вычисляют процентную разницу значений показателей жесткости в двух положениях. На основании полученных данных определ