FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to functional diagnostics, plastic surgery, cosmetology. Ultrasonic examination of the facial muscles is performed. Ultrasonic examination is sonoelastography. Examination is performed in two positions sitting or standing and lying. Stiffness values of buccinator muscle belly and buccinator muscle edge are determined. Percentage difference of stiffness values in two positions is calculated. Based on the obtained data, a tactic of correcting age-related changes of the muscular tissues in the lower one-third of the face is determined. If percentage difference of stiffness values in two positions of muscle belly ≥17.4 % and for muscle edge ≥16.7 %, absence of objective indications to contour correction of facial soft tissues is determined. If the percentage difference of stiffness values in two positions of muscle belly is 7 % to 17.3 %, and for the muscle edge from 5.2 % to 16.6 %, methods of injection contour correction of tissues are indicated. If percentage difference of stiffness values in two positions of muscle belly ≤7 % and for muscle edge ≤5.2 %, surgical correction of ptosis of the lower one-third of the face is indicated.EFFECT: method enables obtaining an objective non-invasive assessment of the soft tissues of the face, which enables to select the optimal individual management to correcting the ptosis of the lower one-third of the face.1 cl, 5 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к функциональной диагностике, пластической хирургии, косметологии. Осуществляют ультразвуковое исследование состояния мышцы лица. В качестве ультразвукового исследования используют соноэластографию. Исследование проводят в двух положениях сидя или стоя и лежа. Определяют показатели жесткости брюшка щечной мышцы и края щечной мышцы. Вычисляют процентную разницу значений показателей жесткости в двух положениях. На основании полученных данных определяют тактику коррекции возрастных изменений мышечных ткан