The present invention relates to spray in the upper Unlike the way was prepared chrysanthemum flowers Blanching how life or send the edible chrysanthemum processing vessel as before processing solution constant temperature in chrysanthemum flowers that contained in the processing vessel at a constant amount of life or If more detailed description of a method of manufacturing a Blanching methods, chrysanthemum flower life or put the chrysanthemum weighing a certain amount of movement process for formed a drain (15) to the bottom in Blanching process processing track with the vibration function in moving at a constant speed while by scattered petals and other substances generated during operation by giving to spray a constant temperature, the time constant processing solution of a certain amount from the top out washed to the processing for lower during the machining progresses processed continuously processed in the following chrysanthemum flowers earlier under certain conditions and the effect of preventing that is attached debris generated during the processing in boiling processes, and to invade Jung constant due to the repetitive work progresses chrysanthemum tea processing the color, the taste of the finished products after , flavor and the like to adjust the temperature, salporyang, feed rate, spray time variation of the even processing solution when the change in the efficiency degree of the taste and flavor and additives necessary it is possible to secure a technique for such processing enables uniformity, as needed more easily it directed to a chrysanthemum tea manufacturing method to enable a change of the machining condition and secured.본 발명은 종전과 같이 식용국화를 가공용 용기에 담아서 삶거나 데치는 방법으로 국화꽃을 제조하던 방법과는 달리 가공용기에 담겨져 있는 국화꽃에 일정온도의 가공용액을 일정양으로 상부에서 살포하여 삶거나 데치는 방법으로 제조하는 방법으로서 보다 상세하게 설명하면, 국화꽃을 삶거나 데치는 공정에 있어서 하부에 배수구(15)가 형성된 이동용 가공대에 일정양으로 계량된 국화꽃을 담아 진동기능이 있는 가공대위에 일정한 속도로 이동시키면서 상부에서 일정한 온도, 일정한 양의 가공용액을 일정시간 살포하여줌으로써 가동 중 발생되는 흩어진 꽃잎, 이물질 등이 가공 중에 가공대 하부로 씻겨 나가