As for this invention, continual phase, and the (ii) dispersed phase which contain with the matrix formation characteristic solute which is melted in the (i) solvent and the said solvent in the method of producing encapsulation ones, the pump force possible emulsion which is contained And, being the extraction medicine which contains the super critical gas, the subcritical gas or the liquefied gas, the aforementioned solvent rather than substantially, confronting the aforementioned matrix formation characteristic solute, more is solubility vis-a-vis the said extraction medicine, the above-mentioned extraction medicine You use, furthermore, a. aforementioned pump force possible emulsion, under mixed condition, it is process and the b. particle condition encapsulation one which are mixed with the aforementioned extraction medicine, process, and the c. aforementioned encapsulation one where among those, the aforementioned dispersed phase, is shut in the solid matrix of the aforementioned matrix formation characteristic solute, forms said encapsulation ones are collected, the process which separates said encapsulation ones from the aforementioned extraction medicine, continual processes are included, it regards the above-mentioned method. For example as for this method, the active ingredient which is very easy to react (, although degree of activity of the component, the said component which receives adverse effect oxygen, light, the moisture and heat and/or by being exposed to friction) produces the particle which is contained, it is suited especially.本発明は、カプセル化物を製造する方法において、(i)溶媒と該溶媒に溶解したマトリックス形成性溶質とを含有する連続相、及び、(ii)分散相、を含有するポンプ圧送可能なエマルション;並びに、超臨界ガス、臨界未満ガス又は液化ガスを含有する抽出剤であって、前記溶媒は実質的に、前記マトリックス形成性溶質に対するよりも該抽出剤に対していっそう可溶性である、上記抽出剤;を使用し、しかも、a.前記のポンプ圧送可能なエマルションを、混合条件の下、前記抽出剤と混合する工程、b.粒子状カプセル化物であって、その中で、前記分散相が、前記マトリックス形成性溶質の固体マトリックスの中に閉じ込められている、該カプセル化物を形成する工程、及び、c.前記カプセル化物を回収し、該カプセル化物を前記抽出剤から分離する工程、の連続的諸工程を含む、上記方法に関する。本方法は、非常に反応し易い活性成分(例えば、成分の活性度が、酸素、光、水分、熱及び/又は摩擦にさらされることによって