Identification moléculaire de bactéries lactiques issues dun ferment commercial et formulation dun nouveau consortium pour la production dun nouveau Raieb sans risque de gonflement.
the application of modern technology of food processing, and the application of the principles of quality, the cab - foodborne infections are the basis of 6.5 to 33 million human diseases and more than 9000 deaths every year in the world (mead et al., 1999). the food is the source frequently called into question.the usual means of prevention, such as treatment, high pressure, radiation, pasteurization, sterilization) and chemical (nitrite, sulfite, etc.) often compromise the quality of the food, and it is also the case of dairy products, such as the raieb.the raieb is a fermented milk product, origin, moroccan, obtained by the spontaneous caillement raw milk in 24 to 36 hours at room temperature. the production of lactic acid bacteria raieb fact, the lactic fermentation may be defined as a fermentation process, which is a group of gram positive nonmotile, nonsporulating, catalase negative, which grow under anaerobic conditions and the use of carbon sources for p roduction of lactic acid as the sole or major organic acid (ketiku and oyenuga, 1970).the lactic acid bacteria are a set of heterogeneous species whose common feature is the production of lactic acid. they belong to different types such as b (fidohacteri11111, enterococc11s, lactohacil \/ 11s, lactococc11s, le11conostoc, pediococcus, streptococc11s, aerococrns, alloicocc11s and carnohacteri11111 (beuchat, 1995).the action of lactic acid bacteria during the fermentation was associated first with the development of the flavour and texture of the final product, but also in the maintenance of good food with organic acids.therefore, it has been reported that fermented food, help to reduce the duration and severity of diarrhoea in children (mensah et al., 1990 kimmons et al., 1999). the main problem of these traditional methods is at the level of the quality of various foods obtained which is very fact, the fermentation process is carried out automatically by the development of the epiphytic m