To provide a simple food in combination with a dish which can enjoy a variety of taste of natto.SOLUTION: The natto that entered into the container was added to the whole sardine (lotus root, matsutake mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, kelp, ehideake, wakame, burdock, carrot, crepe shrimp, bamboo shoots, fish paste, fish, crab, shellfish, etc.) It is a set of natto, put together dishes and add them together and eat.(FIG.【課題】納豆の味を色々と楽しむことが出来る、総菜とセットにした簡易食品を提供する。【解決手段】容器に入った納豆にビニール小袋に入った総菜(蓮根、松茸、椎茸、昆布、えのきだけ、わかめ、ごぼう、人参、ちりめんじゃこ、筍、蒲鉾、魚、カニ、貝類、等々の煮物)をセットにしたもので、納豆に総菜を入れて一緒に混ぜて食べる。【選択図】図2