1. Frozen dessert mixture having a composition which includes protein, fat, flavoring, a sweetener, stabilizers and emulsifiers in amounts sufficient to provide the desired composition of the frozen dessert product, wherein a protein component providing at least in part, by (a ) protein product from legumes having a protein content equal to at least about 60 wt. % (N × 6,25) communication., Insoluble at pH values less than 4.4 and thermally stable at such pH values, or (b) alternatively, adjusting the pH to a value of from about 6 to about 8, and further processing the product dried , recovery and drying of the precipitated protein material of any of legumes, heat treatment and then drying the product, or heat processing of the product and any recovery and drying of the precipitated protein material from leguminous kultur.2. A mixture according to claim 1, which has a composition comprising: a. From 0 to about 30 wt. % Fat, and from 0 to about 18 wt. % Protein, from 0 to about 45 wt. % Sweetener, from 0 to about 3 wt. % Of stabilizer, from 0 to about 4 wt. Emulgatora.3%. A mixture according to claim 1, which has a composition comprising: a. From 0 to about 18 wt. % Fat, from 0.1 to about 6 wt. % Protein, from 0 to about 35 wt. % Sweetener, from 0 to about 1 wt. % Of stabilizer, from 0 to about 2 wt. Emulgatora.4%. A mixture according to Claim. 1, which does not contain dairy ingredients, and may be classified as an analogue frozen dairy dessert smesi.5. A mixture according to Claim. 1, which does not contain dairy ingredients, and may be classified as an alternative to the frozen dairy dessert smesi.6. A mixture according to Claim. 1 which comprises a mixture of vegetable and dairy ingredients.1. Замороженная десертная смесь, имеющая композицию, которая включает белок, жир, ароматизаторы, подсластитель, стабилизаторы и эмульгаторы в количествах, достаточных для обеспечения желаемой композиции замороженного десертного продукта, в которой белковый компонент обеспечи