Comprising as an active ingredient an extract of caulis lonicerae japonicae and paper mulberry extract, the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for the treatment or for alleviating pain or inflammation. The combined administration of ethanol extract of caulis lonicerae japonicae and prenylated flavonoids concentrated extract of the paper mulberry, as compared to the single administration of them, in a test in vivo and (in vitro) test tube (in vivo), the present invention, an anti-inflammatory and based on the fact that it was clarified that it exhibits a synergistic effect that was significantly better in the analgesic effect and effect.本発明は、カジノキ抽出物及びニンドウ抽出物を有効成分として含む、炎症または痛みの軽減用または治療用の薬学的組成物に関する。本発明は、カジノキのプレニル化フラボノイド濃縮抽出物及びニンドウのエタノール抽出物の併用投与が、それらの単独投与に比べて、試験管内(in vitro)及び生体内(in vivo)の試験で、抗炎症効果及び鎮痛効果において顕著に優れた相乗効果を示すということを明らかにしたことに基づく。