The subject of the invention is the protection of non-alcoholic drinks and waters with additives against spoilage by using bacteria of the genus Alicyclobacillus spp. by means of extracts from labiateae family plants and their mixtures. Oil soluble extracts of labiateae family plants contain up to 100 wt. % carnosolic acid. Water soluble extract of rosemary contains up to 100 wt. % rosemary acid. The oil soluble extract of rosemary and the water soluble extract or their mixture are added to fruit juices, fruit concentrates and waters under addition of these concentrates in the total concentration of active ingredients, i.e. carnosolic acid and rosemary acid, of minimum 1 mg/kg.Predmet izuma je zaščita brezalkoholnih pijač in vod z dodatki pred kvarom z bakterijami rodu Alicyclobacillus spp. z uporabo ekstraktov iz rastlin družine ustnatic in njihovimi mešanicami. Oljetopni ekstrakt rastlin družine ustnatic vsebuje do 100 ut.% karnozolne kisline. Vodotopni ekstrakt rožmarina vsebuje do 100 ut.% rožmarinske kisline. Oljetopni ekstrakt rožmarina ali vodotopni ekstrakt ali njuno mešanico dodamo v sadne sokove, sadne koncentrate in vode z dodatkom teh koncentratov v skupni koncentraciji aktivnih učinkovin, to je karnozolne kisline in rožmarinske kisline, min. 1 mg/kg.