FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to food industry, in particular, to manufacture of dough semi-products with filling, in particular, various modification pelmeni and products similar to them in terms of purpose, contents and production technology. The proposed method for production of dough goods with filling envisages dough kneading, maintenance, production of dressings, spices and the filling proper with its milling and goods moulding after moulding each portion of piece goods is placed into a sealed thermal bag dressings and spices are placed in separate small bags which are introduced into the same thermal bag before direct consumption the goods are prepared by way of mixing the contents of the opened thermal bag and the small bags with boiling drinking water conditioned up to 99.4…100.5°C during 1…3 minutes the individual weight of each piece of goods is assumed within the range of 0.1…1.6 g before milling the filling is thermally treated, after milling - steamed, maintained in oil moisture is removed from the filling by way of dry air blowing before moulding one performs individual perforation of goods by means of one-, two- or three-time piercing of their upper part with a steal needle with a diameter equal to 0.15…0.5 mm chosen depending on the goods size.EFFECT: achievement of storage versatility, simplicity and reliability, cost efficiency and fast effectiveness of manufacture of the goods including their size minimisation.4 clИзобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к производству полуфабрикатов из теста с начинкой, в частности пельменей различной модификации и схожих с ними по назначению, содержанию и технологии изготовления продуктов. Заявляемый способ производства изделий из теста с начинкой предусматривает замес теста, его выдержку, изготовление заправок, специй и самой начинки с ее измельчением и формование изделий, после которого каждую порцию поштучных изделий укладывают в герметический термопакет, заправки и специи