Disclosed is a manufacturing method of tomato sauce added with root vegetables. According to the present invention, the tomato sauce includes increased contents of dietary fibers by adding root vegetables such as radishes, burdocks, carrots, etc. The manufacturing method of the tomato sauce added with root vegetables comprises: an ingredient formation step for cutting radishes, burdocks, carrots, and tomatoes into the size of 5 cm x 5 cm; and a secondary processing step for boiling the cut ingredients together after adding spice.뿌리채소를 첨가한 토마토소스 제조방법이 개시된다. 본 발명에 따른 토마토소스는 무, 우엉, 당근 등 뿌리채소를 첨가해 식이섬유 함량을 높인 토마토소스 제조방법이다.