1. A process for the production of vegetarian sausages comprising preparing a filler, the polymeric shell, the shell tamping filler, steaming, characterized in that as filler is used crude protein - gluten from the grain of cereal crops such as wheat gluten comprising, for this grain crushed to a state of flour, and then sieved, is passed through magnitoulavlivatel kneaded dough into room temperature water, adding the latter in an amount up to 60% by weight of flour, allowed to stand for 30 minutes, fed a device for washing the protein, where subjected to stirring for at least 2 minutes while continuously feeding water to produce its transparency, is then fed into the container for rasstaivaniya - fermentation at a temperature of 20-25 ° C within 12-24 hours, then the resulting paste is fed into the cutter added water, vegetable oil, stirred again until a homogeneous mass, making the salt and remaining components, such as vegetables, herbs, pleasantness, according to the formulation again stirred for uniform distribution of components and filling the shell, e.g., oliamidnuyu form the loaves and fed to the heat treatment, the heat treatment is carried out with steam at a temperature not lower than 103 ° C for 20-90 minutes, depending on the diameter of the shell, followed by cooling for 10-20 minutes, and stored in a refrigerator at - 2 (+6) ° C, wherein for preparation of paste obtained is ground sausage, again add vegetable oil, spices, cold water, salt and other components according to the formulation mixed thoroughly until homogeneous in a cutter, and re-fill the envelope n apravlyayut on steam boiling at temperatures1. Способ производства вегетарианских колбасных изделий, включающий приготовление наполнителя, полимерной оболочки, набивание оболочки наполнителем, варку на пару, отличающийся тем, что в качестве наполнителя используют сырой белок - глютен из зерна злаковых культур, например, пшеницы, содержащей клейковину, для этого зерно дробят до состояния муки,