The invention relates to a material used for prevention and cure of cardiovascular diseases and health maintenance of biotechnology. It is a non-traditional and oral medicine therapy. The material for prevention and cure of cardiovascular diseasesis a biotechnology material instead of a medical material and consists of powder with particle size in the micrometer to nanometer range, and far infrared energy of 6-14micron band are stored in the powder. Accordingly, the far infrared energy can generate a resonance effect with molecules formed by cell bodies, and the total surface area is increased due to the miniaturization of the powder to improve the effect of the far-infrared rays whose wavelength is suitable for human bodies, thus it can improve microvascular circulation, activate peripheral nerves, adjust blood pressure and pulse and prevent tumors, so as to achieve the efficiency of preventing or delaying the cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, nerve tissue lesions and peripheral vascular occlusion.本發明係有關於一種心血管疾病防治及生技保養保健材料,為一種非傳統口服之醫藥療法,其生技替代醫療的心血管疾病防治材料係以平均粒徑為微米至奈米之粉體所構成,且粉體儲存有6~14微米波段之遠紅外線能量;藉此,遠紅外線能量可與細胞體構成之分子產生共振效應,且由於粉體達微細化程度,使總表面積增加,提高適於人體波長之遠紅外線的功效,具有改善微血管循環、活化末稍神經、調整血壓與脈搏以及防止腫瘤形成,以達到預防或延緩高血壓、動脈硬化、心肌梗塞、中風、神經組織病變、或周邊血管阻塞等心血管疾病之功效。