Provided are a surgical operation device for an endoscope, an endoscope, and an endoscope operational tool which, in a configuration where the endoscope and a treatment tool passed through two passages provided in an overtube can be operated in conjunction with each other, are capable of changing a field of view appropriate for detailed observation and treatment and improving efficiency of an operation. An endoscope (100) and a treatment tool (200) are passed respectively through an endoscope passage and a treatment tool passage of an overtube (300) to be inserted into a body wall. An advancing/retreating operational part (130) provided in a cable part (104) extending from a base end of an endoscope insertion part (102) of the endoscope (100) is disposed in a position adjacent to an operational part (204) of the treatment tool (200). The advancing/retreating operational part (130) includes a hook part (132) having an opening (134) and an advancing/retreating operation of the endoscope (100) can be performed by inserting the index finger of the right hand holding the treatment tool (200) into the opening (134). Thus, the advancing/retreating operation of the treatment tool (200) and the advancing/retreating operation of the endoscope (100) can be performed with only one hand operating the treatment tool (200).Linvention concerne un dispositif dintervention chirurgicale pour un endoscope, un endoscope et un outil opérationnel dendoscope qui, dans une configuration où lendoscope et un outil de traitement passés au travers de deux passages ménagés dans une enveloppe tubulaire peuvent être actionnés lun en conjonction avec lautre, peuvent modifier un champ de vision approprié pour lobservation détaillée et le traitement et améliorer lefficacité dune intervention. Un endoscope (100) et un outil de traitement (200) sont passés, respectivement, au travers dun passage dendoscope et dun passage doutil de traitement dune enveloppe tubulaire (300) destinée à être introduite dan