The present invention relates to a medicinal herb, vegetable, tree, and mushroom-based vitamin. One or more powders among medicinal herbs, vegetables, trees and mushrooms powder or one or more juices among medicinal herbs, vegetables, trees and mushrooms is added to manufacture a vitamin. The vitamin is in forms of a tablet, a capsule, a candy, a chewing gum, a powder, and a jelly. The purpose of the present invention is to manufacture a vitamin which is good for a body.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161.비타민에 (약초,나물,나무,버섯 중에 1가지나 2가지 이상)가루나 (약초,나물,나무,버섯 중에 1가지나 2가지 이상)즙액을 넣어 (약초,나물,나무,버섯 중에 1가지나 2가지 이상)비타민을 제조한다.2.비타민은 알약형태,캡슐형태,사탕형태,껌,분말,젤리가 있다.