A fishing machine is provided with: a rotating drum on which fishing line is wound, the rotating drum being capable of rotating in an unwinding and a winding direction; a drive motor for driving the rotating drum in the unwinding or winding direction; and an electromagnetic clutch for transmitting the rotation of the drive motor to the rotating drum. The electromagnetic clutch can vary the setting of connecting torque, the connecting torque being set at a torque value that cancels out mechanical load in the unwinding direction of the fishing machine.本發明的釣魚機具備:旋轉捲筒,其捲繞設置有釣線,可往放出方向及捲收方向旋轉;驅動馬達,將旋轉捲筒往放出方向或捲收方向驅動;及電磁離合器,將驅動馬達的旋轉傳遞給旋轉捲筒。電磁離合器可將連結轉矩設定為可變,該連結轉矩設定為抵銷釣魚機往放出方向的機械負載的轉矩值。