Refers to a Solid preparation of daptomycin daptomycin comprising: (a) pure in an amount of at least 92% (b) glycine, one or more Sugars and a combination of two or more non reducing Sugars such as sucrose, Trehalose and mannitol, the Preparation is characterized in that the co 500mg Mposicion daptomycin Pharmaceutical Solid dissolved in 10 ml of Sodium Chloride to 0.9% in 4 minutes or less to 25 degrees. It also refers to an article of manufacture, and a method of manufacture. The Solid preparation of daptomycin has improved Chemical stability and improved Recovery Rates in aqueous LiquidsSE REFIERE A UNA PREPARACION DE DAPTOMICINA SOLIDA QUE COMPRENDE: (A) DAPTOMICINA PURA EN UNA CANTIDAD DE AL MENOS 92% (B) GLICINA, UNO O MAS AZUCARES Y UNA COMBINACION DE DOS O MAS AZUCARES NO REDUCTORES TALES COMO SACAROSA, TREHALOSA Y MANITOL LA PREPARACION SE CARACTERIZA PORQUE 500mg DE LA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA DE DAPTOMICINA SOLIDA SE DISUELVEN EN 10 mL DE CLORURO DE SODIO AL 0.9% EN 4 MINUTOS O MENOS A 25 ºC. SE REFIERE TAMBIEN A UN ARTICULO DE FABRICACION Y A UN METODO DE FABRICACION. DICHA PREPARACION DE DAPTOMICINA SOLIDA PRESENTA ESTABILIDAD QUIMICA MEJORADA Y TASAS DE RECONSTITUCION MEJORADAS EN LIQUIDOS ACUOSOS