Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Natsionalnyj meditsinskij issledovatelskij tsentr travmatologii i ortopedii imeni N.N. Priorova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Federats
Solod Eduard Ivanovich (RU),Солод Эдуард Иванович (RU),Petrovskij Roman Aleksandrovich (RU),Петровский Роман Александрович (RU),Lazarev Anatolij Fedorovich (RU),Лазарев Анатолий Федорович (RU),Zagorod
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to traumatology and orthopedics, and can be used for surgical management of pubic bone fractures. In the preoperative period prior to the surgical management, spatial visualization of involved pelvic bones is determined by multilayer helical computed tomography. Method of magnetic resonance tomography is used to evaluate the condition of surrounding soft tissues, vascular and nerve structures that are not visualized when performing multilayer spiral computed tomography. Bladder catheterisation is performed with Foley catheter to control diuresis and intraoperative monitoring of bladder injury. Patient is placed on an X-ray transparent surgical table to get a full X-ray projection of an entry into the pelvis, an exit from the pelvis, blocking and combined exit-and-block correction with correction of cranial inclination of C-arch taking into account individual value of lumbosacral transition of patient. Based on the results of preliminary localization of pubic tubercle on the side of the injury, access is made to it by skin incision 1 cm long medially 1–2 cm from the pubic tubercle and bluntly splitting the underlying tissues using a Mosquito-type clamp. Performing all subsequent surgical actions under control of image intensifier tube (IIT) throughout the entire surgical intervention. Protective bushing is placed and retrograde inserted through it into the upper branch of pubic bone at the point near the lower edge of the pubic tubercle by fixing the fixing pin with diameter of 2.5 mm and length of 300 mm with a self-tapping threaded tip with length of 20 mm to the moment of intersection of the fracture plane using the cannulated low-speed drill. Using the dynamic IIT control in the X-ray projections, the entry and exit of the pelvis is used to insert the fixing pin into the proximal segment in the direction of the roof of the acetabulum until the end of the penetration point of the fixing pin of the sur