The present invention relates to a coffee making method, which provides a container capable of being pressurized, wherein the hot water heated to 85℃ to 99℃ and the coffee powder are stored in the container for pressurization at the pressure range of 1 atm to 9 atms so as to make the coffee powder surrounded by pressurized gas. Thus, during the making process of pouring hot water, the present invention may suppress the bubble generation during coffee making, so as to suppress the release of chemical substance in coffee, such as tannic acid, and thus enhance the making quality of coffee drinks.本發明是關於一種沖泡咖啡的方法,其係提供一可加壓之容器,並使加熱至溫度為85℃至99℃的熱水及咖啡粉儲備於其中進行加壓,使加壓至壓力為1大氣壓力至9大氣壓力的壓力範圍,以令咖啡粉能受到加壓氣體籠罩,故於沖入熱水之沖泡過程中能抑制沖泡咖啡時所產生之泡沫,藉以抑制咖啡中之單寧酸等化學物質的釋出,故能提昇沖泡之咖啡飲料的品質。