PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED BY THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for preparing rice koji, rice koji, rice koji and rice koji, which is rich in taste while not using chemical seasonings, food additives, coloring agents, preservatives, It is a technical problem to develop a novel active enzyme seasoning that does not lose the enzyme titer which is the characteristic of.[Means to Solve the Problem] Characterized by blending raw koji against a soup stock consisting of one or a plurality of soup action ingredients, the characteristics of raw koji can be imparted to the active enzyme seasoning, for example By mixing with the food material before heating or immersing the food material before heating, it is possible to draw out the taste of the foodstuff and soften the foodstuff, and it is possible to season the base material at the same time.[課題] 原材料に化学調味料、食品添加物、着色料、保存料、香料等を添加することなく、更にアレルギー表示品目25品を不使用としながらも、滋味に富み、且つ玄米麹、米麹の特性である酵素力価を失っていない、新規な活性酵素調味料の開発を技術課題とした。[解決手段] 一または複数のだし作用成分から成るだし基材に対し、生麹が配合されて成ることを特徴として成り、活性酵素調味料に、生麹の特性を付与することができ、例えば加熱前の食材と和えたり、加熱前の食材を浸漬することにより、食材の旨味を引き出したり、食材を柔らかくすることができるとともに、同時にだし基材の味付けを行うことができる。