In one embodiment, a soil tillage apparatus comprises a frame having an earthcutter, a hammer tiller, chiselers, a soilleveler, and a packer wheel all in a linear arrangement. The earth cuttercomprises a plurality of discs and is positioned at the front ofthe frame, proximal to a tractor, truck, or other pulling means. The hammertiller is positioned behind the earth cutter and comprisesa rotary drum having one or more pulverizes attached thereto for pulverizingsoil received from the earth cutter. The chiselers arepositioned next and dig deep into the soil that is not passed above by thehammer tiller. The soil leveler comprises a rotary drum with aplurality of protrusions for leveling the soil. The packer wheel likewisecomprises a rotary drum with a plurality of protrusions whichmay be used for leveling purposes or for seed bed furrowing, depending uponthe arrangement.