Inside the territory of electric remedy, frequency of remedy electric current, or, until recently the device and method of the technology where it can change the amplitude of remedy electric current were known. Extending to the logarithm frequency graduation, by illustrating amplitude, this method is called vertical stimulus system or horizontal stimulus system in consequence of that. Various there is an advantage and a fault which differ in both systems. As for this invention, to be in regard to the device in order to execute electric remedy method, at that time, simultaneously, remedy frequency zone inside the center frequency territory (f B) remedy electric current inside (i B) amplitude (A) and frequency (f), the stimulus threshold (RS) various underneath very limit is changed inside the frequency domain which differs, or, or, with stimulus and subconscious stimulus on the threshold periodically with discrete frequency step it is changed.電気治療の領域内で、治療電流の周波数か、又は、治療電流の振幅が変えられる従来技術の装置及び方法が公知であった。対数周波数目盛に亘って振幅を図示することによって、この方法は、それに応じて垂直刺激方式又は水平刺激方式と呼ばれる。両方式には、種々異なる利点と欠点がある。本発明は、電気治療方法を実行するための装置に関しており、その際、同時に、中心周波数領域内の治療周波数帯域(fB)内の治療電流(iB)の振幅(A)及び周波数(f)が、刺激閾(RS)のぎりぎり下側の種々異なる周波数領域内に変えられるか、又は、閾上刺激と閾下刺激との間で周期的に離散的な周波数ステップで変えられる。