A method for mushroom cultivation is developed which requires no manual picking and a limited packaging step. The invention also induces lesser chances of contamination and provides longer shelf life to the mushrooms. The device used for production of mushrooms comprises two parts, one basal plate perforated with holes for the mushroom pins to emerge into the container. The apertures/holes on the base of the container may be covered with casing material. The other portion is the top part functioning as a cover which could be used to secure the container in order to prevent contamination from out side, maintain the moisture level and also maintains the micro environment for growing mushrooms. The top cover is preferably also perforated for the escape of excessive moisture. When mushrooms are ready to pick, the whole container is removed and preserved at a lower temperature, such as 4° C. in a cooler or refrigerator. This method will significantly reduce the cost of mushroom production by virtually eliminating the process of harvesting and packaging. This technique of mushroom cultivation also enhances the shelf life by minimizing the level of contamination due to direct human touch and minimum exposure to the outer environment.L'invention concerne un procédé de culture de champignons ne nécessitant aucune cueillette manuelle et seulement une étape limitée demballage. L'invention conduit également à une probabilité moindre de contamination et confère aux champignons une plus longue durée de conservation. Le dispositif utilisé pour la production des champignons comporte deux parties, dont une plaque de fond perforée de trous permettant aux tiges de champignons démerger dans le récipient. Les ouvertures / trous au fond du récipient peuvent être recouverts dun matériau de boîtier. Lautre partie, à savoir la partie supérieure, fait fonction de couvercle pouvant être utilisé pour clore le récipient afin dempêcher la contamination par lextérieur, de maintenir le nivea