FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: inventions group relates to dairy industry. For production of the condensed milk product with condensation till the dry substances weight fraction is equal to 26.5% the method is implemented in the following way. Disodium and monosodium phosphates are dissolved in water with usage of an injector or a threefold mixer. One adds a stabiliser, dry defatted milk residue and dry sweetening buttermilk into the mixture. Dehydrated milk fat is dissolved, introduced into a mixture of water filtrate and defatted milk, pasteurised, homogenised, cooled and maintained. One performs treatment, homogenisation, cooling and aseptic packaging. Preliminarily defatted milk is supplied by means of a pump into the heat exchanger where milk is heated to 45-48°C and delivered into the bactofuge. By means of the pump, milk is supplied into the microfiltration unit where 6.9-8.9" ceramic filters are applied, their throughput capacity equal to 1.1-1.6 mcm at a temperature of 48-53°C. The filtrate is delivered into the pasteuriser where it is maintained at a temperature of 56.5-58.5°C until an alkaline phosphatase test yields a negative result. Then the produced mixture is cooled to a temperature equal to 4-6°C in the heat exchanger and is stored in intermediate vessels.EFFECT: inventions group ensures preservation of the product natural composition and taste properties.4 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tblГруппа изобретений относится к молочной промышленности. Для получения сгущенного молочного продукта со сгущением до массовой доли сухих веществ 26,5% способ осуществляют следующим образом. В воде растворяют фосфаты динатрия и мононатрия с использованием инжектора или тройного миксера. В смесь добавляют стабилизатор, сухой обезжиренный молочный остаток и сухую подслащенную пахту. Растворяют обезвоженный молочный жир, помещают в смесь водного фильтрата и обезжиренного молока, пастеризуют, гомогенизируют, охлаждают и выдерживают. Обрабатывают ультравысокой температурой, гомогенизиру